September 2018 Internet Fraud & Scam email I Cyber Criminals Trick Detection

Internet Fraud & Scam email Cyber Criminals Trick Detection

from Judith Chamisa <>




Dear Beloved,
During the Past war against farmers in my country Zimbabwe and from the support of our former President Robert Mugabe to claim all the white owned farms in our country, all the white farmers were ordered to surrender their farms to his party members and his followers. My husband who was one of the farm yards owners in Zimbabwe and also the treasurer of the Commercial Farmers' Union,He did not support the president Robert Mugabe idea, so the party members invaded my husband's farms and burnt everything in the farm, killed my husband and made away with all items in the farm.
My name is Mrs.Judith Chamisa 68 years old orphan woman, married to (late) Mr.Rosenfels jje Chamisa a Zimbabwean, owner of KOOLBOY FARM YARDS in BULALIMA MANGWE DISTRICT of ZIMBABWE; We were married but without any children, With due respect, trust and humility, I write you this request to seek and solicit for your kind assistance to help me Donate / invest my late husband's investment fund of US$9.8 Million Dollars (Nine Million Eight hundred Thousand United States Dollars) into churches,orphanages home,handicaps,widows,widowers,the destitute and to other Less-privileged people and society around the world. The Money was meant to be used for the purchase of new machines and chemicals from China and Vietnam for his farms. Presently the Money is deposited with a Security & Finance Vault Company in Asia for safekeeping.
Since my Husband's death I have been hospitalize for months now due to cancer problem that I am suffering from, and also been affected by Blood Disease called"(ACUTE LEUKEMIA) Which has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right now the Doctor said I have only about a few months to live,and even since then lost my ability to talk. My husband relatives don't care about my health, they have collected and sold other properties owned by my late husband, they are wicked to me also they don't come to the hospital where am receiving treatment to know if I'm dead or alive.
I will not be happy to let my husband relatives have everything that belongs to my late husband and this is why I am contacting you with my honest and faithful heart to sign the above Mentioned amount to you, so that you Can utilize 80% of this money to the following above requested lists like the churches, orphanages home, handicaps and widows around the world but all should be on my late husband and I name, so that I will be happy that i have fulfill my wish before joining my husband in the grave.
Recently, The Security Company management wrote me as the next beneficiary to my late husband to come forward to collect the money because the date which my late husband agreed with the security & finance company for collection has expired and due to the condition of my health I am unable to go and collect the money, I should prepare a letter of authorization to somebody to come forth and collect the money on my behalf.
If you are willingly to help me and fulfil my wish, I will give you all the information on how to collect the money from the Security & Finance Vault Company in Asia where the Money is been deposited has a consignment. I will also issue you a letter of Authority declaring you as the next beneficiary and Please do assure me that you will act accordingly and keep all details confidential and close to heart.  Please send your reply through this email:
Thank you for your positive response.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs.Judith Chamisa.






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