2015 lottery scams

From shigeki@kitakyushucci.or.jp


500 Corporation Center
500 Rainbow Blvd. Suite #312
Las vegas NV, 89107

REF: LP/26510460037/2015

Attn: Lucky Winner, 

We are pleased to inform you that the above reference was entered alongside with your email address on the application form with serial number 02511464992-750 was the 2nd place award drawn on April 14th, 2015.

You have been approved for a lump sum payment of $685,000.00 (Six Hundred and Eighty Five Thousand U.S.Dollars) credited to a case file #ASG7154-00 MLREF: LP/26510460037/2013, from the $2,450,000.00 (Two Million Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand U.S. Dollars) prize pool.


Part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage of this award program by non participants in accordance with state and federal law, you are required to respect the non disclosure law which means in layman terms, no one other than yourself should know any details of your award to avoid any security breach and/or loss of your award.

All participants are selected from 1,000,000 (One Million)entries computer selected from our mail room, magazines, Visa and Master Card Customers. We hope to see you in our annual $100,000,000 (One Hundred Million U.S. Dollars) drawing to be help in December 2015.

To begin your claim, please contact us here at Advantage Sweepstakes Corporation http://www.sweepsadvantage.com the agent in charge of your case is

Glatzer & Evans, LLP
Bank of America Building
600 E. William Street #208, Carson City, NV, 89701
Email: evansglatzerchambers0@gmail.com
Telephone: +1 206 582 7785

To avoid any unnecessary delays please use your case file when you call to locate your information more easily and please inform us of any change in address or contact number.

Congratulations once again from all the members and staff of Advantage Sweepstakes Corporation and thank you for participating in our promotional sweepstake to make dreams come through.

Best Regards,
Edward Coleman
Vice President
Advantage Sweepstakes Corp.
Las Vegas, NV.
Email: sweepstakesadvantagecorporatio@gmail.com

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